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2024 Lesson Analysis
January 2024-Berimbolos, Headquarters & Stack Passing
(No Gi) Jan 5-How to do the "Scissor Wedge" back take (4:54)
(Gi) Jan 8-Super Stack Pass (5:48)
(No Gi) Jan 9- Seated Guard vs Kneeling Opponent: Body Lock Pass Details (8:47)
(Gi) Jan 11-Lovato Jr Headquarters Passing (10:18)
(No Gi) Bonus Video-Easy & Effective Kimura Control Escape (2:03)
(No Gi) Jan 16-Pinch Headlock Series From Butterfly Guard (6:40)
(No Gi) Jan 19-Truck Attacks & Wedge Mechanics In Depth (10:15)
(Gi) Jan 22-Stack Pass: Addressing Butterfly Hook Defense (Spider Guard) (6:09)
(No Gi) Jan 23-Victor Roll, Sumi Gaeshi Defense To Single Leg, Knee Bar From Coyote Half Guard (Hiza Gatame) (14:20)
(Gi) Jan 25-Introduction To Berimbolo, Basic Knockdowns from De La Riva (20:20)
(Gi) Jan 29-Leg Scissor Berimbolo Variation, Countering The Berimbolo (11:11)
(No Gi) Jan 30-Building Your No Gi Crab Ride Game (5:10)
February 2024-Berimbolos, Crab Rides, Rolling Backtakes
(Gi) Feb 1-Kiss Of The Dragon To Crab Ride, Gamifying The Crab Ride Position (8:39)
(No Gi) Feb 2-Intro To Donkey Guard (10:34)
BONUS VIDEO-Simple Guard Passing Concept (No Gi) (4:10)
(No Gi) Feb 20-Loose Passing: Toreandos (12:01)
(Gi) Feb 22-De La Riva to Leg Drag: The Corolla (5:17)
(No Gi) Feb 23-"Legmura" Grip from Saddle, Heelhook Kneebar Dilemma (6:22)
(Gi) Feb 26-Flying Leg Drag, Crab Ride Dilemma (9:44)
(No Gi) Feb 27-Debunking Donkey Guard, Entering The Crucifix & The "High Ground" Position (13:54)
(Gi) Feb 29-Berimbolo Mechanics In Depth, Facebolo (7:49)
March 2024-Attacking The Back & Turtle Position
(No Gi) Mar 5-Back Maintenance, Palm to Palm/Mandible Strangle Mechanics (9:49)
(Gi) Mar 7-De La Riva Guard-->X Guard-->Crab Ride-->Back Take (5:00)
(No Gi) Mar 8-Inversions From Everywhere Into Inside Heelhooks, Using Shoelace Ashi To Create Heel Exposure (9:29)
(Gi) Mar 11-"Broomstick" Standing Back Take (From Rear Body Lock) (4:27)
(No Gi) Mar 12-Seated Kata Gatame, Back Take (4:35)
(No Gi) Mar 15-Modified Bolt Cutter (Matlock) (4:01)
(No Gi) Mar 17-Exposing Underhooks For The Body Lock Pass (5:17)
(Gi) Mar 18-Rear Ankle Pick To Back Take (3:14)
(No Gi) Mar 19-Intro To Crucifix From Turtle Position (8:06)
(No Gi) Mar 22-Using The K Guard To Attack Upper & Lower Body (8:25)
(Gi) Mar 28-Armbar and Triangles From The Back (Kimura Control) (8:09)
(No Gi) Mar 29-Front Headocks: Cradle To Back Take, Front Kata Gatame "Farmerconda" (5:28)
(No Gi) Mar 31-Single Leg To Rear Body Lock (2:03)
(No Gi) BONUS VIDEO-How To Win Truck/Wedge Battles (7:19)
April 2024
Week 1: Guard Passing (No Gi) April 2-Tripod Passing, Leandro Lo Knee Cut Pass (11:41)
Week 1: Guard Passing (Gi) April 4-Gamifying Engagement Battles, The Split Squat, Getting Chest to Chest (12:13)
Week 1: Guard Passing (No Gi) April 5-Saddle Switch To Shoelace Ashi Garami (3:53)
Week 2: Side Control (Gi) April 8-Intro to Uppercuff Control, Clock Choke (6:49)
Week 2: Side Control (No Gi) April 9-Maintaining Side Control, Winning Battles For Inside Position (8:53)
Week 2: Side Control (Gi) April 11-Uppercuff Submissions From Side Control (9:27)
Week 3: Mount (Gi) April 15-Ezekiel Strangle From Mount (4:31)
Week 3: Mount (No Gi) April 16-Kipping Escape In Depth (7:16)
Week 3: Mount (Gi) April 18-"Arm In" Ezekiel From Mount, Ezekiel Dilemma From Side Control To Mount (4:11)
Week 3: Mount (No Gi) April 19-The Perfect Head & Arm Strangle (Kata Gatame) From Mount (6:44)
Week 4: Back Attacks (Gi) April 22-The Rear Ezekiel Strangle (4:12)
Week 4: Back Attacks (No Gi) April 23-The Rear Head & Arm Strangle (Kata Gatame) (5:59)
Week 4: Back Attacks (Gi) April 25-Punch Knuckle Strangle (3:36)
Week 4: Back Attacks (No Gi) April 26-Ushiro Sankaku From Bottom Cross Back (6:20)
May 2024
Week 1: Closed Guard (No Gi) May 1-Double Underhook Attacks (3:39)
BONUS VIDEO (No Gi)-Knocking Down A Standing Opponent From Outside Ashi Garami (1:18)
Week 1: Closed Guard (Gi) May 2-Attacks From The Clamp Position (5:23)
Week 1: Closed Guard (No Gi) May 3-Ude Gatame (Inverted Armbar) (3:49)
Week 2: Submission Escapes (Gi) May 13-Classic Armbar Escapes (9:24)
Week 2: Submission Escapes (No Gi) May 14-Arm-In Guillotine Escapes (9:00)
Week 2: Submission Escapes (Gi) May 16-3/4 Juji Armbar Escape (6:33)
Week 2: Submission Escapes (No Gi) May 17-Closed Guard Guillotine Defense (6:17)
Week 3: Submission Escapes (No Gi) May 21-Trap Triangle Escapes (5:44)
Week 3: Submission Escapes (Gi) May 23-Addressing Kimura From Bottom Half Guard (5:29)
Week 4: Wrestling Up (Gi) May 27-Half Guard Tight Waist Series
Week 4: Wrestling Up (No Gi) May 28-Wrestling Up From Open Guards (5:27)
Week 4: Wrestling Up (No Gi) May 31-Ude Gaeshi (Arm Throw), Creating Pressure From Seated Guard vs Standing Opponent (7:29)
June 2024
Week 1: Sit-Up Guards (Gi) June 3-How To Play Sit-Up Guard (6:30)
Week 1: Sit-Up Guards (No Gi) June 4-No Gi Sit-Up Guard (9:10)
Week 1: Sit-Up Guards (Gi) June 6-Cross Collar Drag & Ankle Pick Dilemma (7:05)
Week 1: Sit-Up Guards (No Gi) June 7-Outside Ashi Knock Down & Ankle Lock (5:10)
Week 2: Leglocks (Gi) June 10-Reverse Ashi Garami, Kneebar Toehold Dilemma (6:15)
Week 2: Leglocks (No Gi) June 11-Countering The "Honey Stick" From Saddle, Finishing Mechanics Drill (6:40)
Bonus Video-Prime BJJ Series 2024 Black Belt Absolute No Gi Match Breakdown (Ankle Lock) (7:19)
Week 2: Leglocks (Gi) June 13-Kneebar (Dogbar) From Bottom/Top Half Guard (5:08)
Week 2: Leglocks (No Gi) June 14-Surviving The Top Side Saddle Position, Countering The Rolling Heelhook (5:11)
Week 3: Closed Guard (Gi) June 17-Attacking Armbars From Cross Chest Position (4:51)
Week 3: Closed Guard (No Gi) June 18-Top Lock vs Standing Opponent, Preventing Knee Wedge Escape (6:04)
Week 3: Closed Guard (Gi) June 20-Taking The Back & Flower Sweep Dilemma (3:51)
Week 3: Closed Guard (No Gi) June 21-Handfighting, Pinch Headlock Series (8:36)
Week 4: Closed Guard (Gi) June 24-Handfighting Games, Pinch Headlock Knee Lever Sweep (8:10)
Week 4: Closed Guard (No Gi) June 25-Arm Drag Misdirection, Back Take & Flower Sweep Dilemma (4:40)
Week 4: Closed Guard (Gi) June 27-Drop Pass, Clamp Overhook Cross Choke & Te Gatame (7:20)
Week 4: Closed Guard (No Gi) June 28-Shoulder Crunch to Triangle, Hantai Sankaku Details (4:45)
July 2024
Week 1: Heisting Up (Gi) July 1-Cross Collar Overview Seated vs Standing Opponent (7:13)
Week 1: Heisting Up (No Gi) July 2-Top Player Stance, Overview Seated vs Standing Opponent (7:14)
Week 1: Heisting Up (No Gi) July 5-Heisting vs Kneeling Opponent (3:57)
Week 2: Heisting Up (No Gi) July 9-Heisting vs Body Lock Passing: Yoko Sumi Gaeshi (6:11)
Week 2: Heisting Up (Gi) July 11-Heisting Options vs Keeling Opponent (3:56)
BONUS VIDEO (No Gi): Spinning Baratoplata (1:04)
BONUS VIDEO (No Gi): Gyaku Sankaku (1:29)
Week 3: Scaling Tasks-What Is Scaling? (1:07)
Week 3: Scaling Tasks (No Gi) July 16-Games from the Back, Tripod Pass, Armbar (13:54)
Week 3: Scaling Tasks (No Gi) July 19-KID'S ADCC PREP CLASS: Mount, Truck, Body Lock (12:13)
Week 3: Scaling Tasks (No Gi) July 19-Cross Ashi Garami Games (2:18)
Week 4: Scaling Tasks (Gi) July 22-Submission Games: Armbar & Omoplata (7:36)
Week 4: Scaling Tasks (No Gi) July 23-Ouchi Gari/Uchi Mata Dilemma, Saddle Strategy: Double Trouble w/ Secondary Leg On Top (5:49)
Week 4: Scaling Tasks (No Gi) July 24-Leg Pummeling Games: Tripod, Butterfly Half Guard, & Body Lock (10:02)
BONUS VIDEO (No Gi) July 24-Live Sparring Matt & Ethan (19:06)
BONUS VIDEO (No Gi) July 29-Positional Sparring Matt & Adam Posener: Back, Front Headlock, Armbar, (20:31)
August 2024
Week 1: Positional Games (No Gi) July 30-Half Guard Passing & Armlocks (8:11)
Week 1: Positional Games (No Gi) July 31-Reverse Guard Basics, Trilemma from R Guard (7:51)
Week 1: Positional Games (No Gi) August 2-R Guard and Half Guard Sit Out vs. Octopus (6:48)
Week 2: Octopus Guard (No Gi) August 6-Intro to Octopus Guard, Octopus Buggy (11:21)
Week 2: Octopus Guard (Gi) August 8-Scaling Half Guard Games (3:02)
Week 2: Octopus Guard (No Gi) August 9-Scaling Body Lock Games, Octopus Buggy Review & Game (11:45)
BONUS VIDEO (No Gi) August 9-NARRATED Live Sparring Sukhman & Ethan (22:20)
Week 3: The Woj Lock (No Gi) August 20-Mechanics of the Woj Lock (4:01)
BONUS VIDEO (Gi) August 22-4 Rounds of NARRATED Live Sparring (30:27)
Week 3: The Woj Lock (Gi) August 23-Improved Woj Lock Mechanics (3:14)
Week 4: Scrimmage Wrestling (No Gi) August 27-Re-shots, Short Offense Arm Drag to Go Behind (9:06)
September 2024
Week 1: Scrimmage Wrestling (No Gi) September 3-Rolling Saddle Entry & Heel Hook vs Rear Body Lock (4:55)
BONUS VIDEO (No Gi)-Inverted Aioki Lock from Y-Guard (3:56)
Week 2: Scrimmage Wrestling (Gi) September 9-The Easiest Foot Sweep to Learn, Trainwreck Seoi Nage (9:38)
BONUS VIDEO (No Gi) September 10-NARRATED Live Sparring Matt & Sukhman (18:53)
Week 2: Scrimmage Wrestling (Gi) September 12-Cross Pant Cuff Passing, 5050 Ankle Lock (9:03)
Week 2: Scrimmage Wrestling (No Gi) September 13-Easy Snap Downs to Short Offense Using Foot Sweeps (4:40)
Week 3: Scrimmage Wrestling (No Gi) September 17-Underhook Throw By to Rear Body Lock, Rear Body Lock Defense (4:24)
Week 3: Scrimmage Wrestling (Gi) September 19-Easy Takedown: Collar Grip Ankle Pick (3:24)
Week 4: Butterfly Half Guard (Gi) September 23-Passing Butterfly Half Guard, Entering Ashi/X Guard & Sweeping (12:01)
Week 4: Butterfly Half Guard (No Gi) September 24-Arm Drags From Butterfly Half Guard, Overhead Sweep (8:14)
BONUS VIDEO (No Gi) September 24-Arm Drag to Shoulder Crunch from Butterfly Half Gaurd (2:35)
Week 4: Butterfly Half Guard (Gi) September 26-Knee Cut Pass Fundamentals, Half Guard Recovery to Sumi Gaeshi/Shoulder Crunch Dilemma (12:39)
Week 4: Butterfly Half Guard (No Gi) September 27-Low R Guard Entries To Leg Attacks (11:08)
October 2024
Week 1: Short Offense (No Gi) October 1-Cow Catcher Turnover/Strangle Mechanics, 2 Ways to Enter the Cow Catcher (7:41)
BONUS VIDEO (No Gi) October 1-Turtle Escape Drill vs Locked Hands (Seatbelt & Body lock) (3:00)
Week 1: Short Offense (Gi) October 3-Low Lapel Strangle (Lapel Peruvian Necktie) (2:34)
Week 1: Short Offense (No Gi) October 4-Cow Catcher Roll-Through, Yoko Sumi Gaeshi & Ouchi Gari vs 4 Point (8:23)
Week 2: The Waiter Position (No Gi) October 8-Basic Waiter Sweep from Deep Half Guard, Ashi Garami Transitions (13:05)
Week 2: The Waiter Position (Gi) October 10-Under Hook De La Riva to Waiter Options (6:50)
Week 3: Taking The Back (No Gi) October 15-Throw-By to Rear Body Lock, Wrist Ride to the Back (4:05)
Week 3: Taking The Back (Gi) October 17-Drills For Taking The Back (9:28)
Week 4: X-Guard (Gi) October 21-Gripping Warm-Up from Standing, X-Guard Sweep Options (12:21)
BONUS VIDEO (No Gi) October 18-NARRATED Live Sparring Kaelen & Harrison (13:19)
BONUS VIDEO (No Gi) October 23-Sprawl Passing Options vs Knee Shield (4:36)
BONUS VIDEO (No Gi) October 23-Rear Body Lock Grip Switch (0:45)
Week 4: X-Guard (Gi) October 24-De La Riva Entries to X-Guard, Sweeps From Collar & Pants/Double Pants Grips (8:15)
Week 4: X-Guard (Gi) October 28-Backside X-Guard to Crab Ride & Leg Drag (6:31)
Week 4: X-Guard (No Gi) October 29-Attacking Opponent w/ 1 Knee Down (3:42)
BONUS VIDEO (No Gi) October 29-Kneebar Entry From Top Position (1:20)
Week 4: X-Guard (Gi) October 30-Increase X-Guard Sweep Percentage: The Punch Grip (1:46)
BONUS VIDEO (No Gi) October 31-Finish More Foot Locks: Transferring Your Weight (1:10)
November 2024
Week 1: X-Guard (No Gi) November 5-Back Take Options From X/Waiter Guard (4:24)
Week 1: X-Guard (No Gi) November 6-Tips to Improve Your X-Guard (3:10)
Week 1: X-Guard (Gi) November 7-Triangle From X-Guard (3:37)
BONUS VIDEO (No Gi) November 8-Low Single Wrestle-Up (3:19)
BONUS VIDEO (No Gi) November 8-5050 Heel Hook Digging Mechanics (1:48)
Week 2: Passing The Knee Shield (No Gi) November 12-Sprawl Camp & Smash Dilemma (7:00)
Week 2: Passing The Knee Shield (No Gi) November 13-The "Rau Drag" (6:49)
Week 2: Passing The Knee Shield (Gi) November 14-Leg Trap to Leg Drag (7:28)
Week 3: Passing The Knee Shield (No Gi) November 19-Sprawl Camp Review, Over Back Options vs Low Knee Shield (15:19)
Week 3: Passing The Knee Shield (Gi) November 21-Leg Trap Passing Options: Leg Drag, Long Step, Over-Under, Stack Pass (8:18)
Week 3: Passing The Knee Shield (No Gi) November 22-Defending vs Sprawl Camp Passing (6:13)
Week 3: Passing The Knee Shield (No Gi) November 23-Loose Passing: High-Step, Torreando, Hip-Knee Post (6:21)
BONUS VIDEO (No Gi) November 23-Self-Framing The Supine Guard (6:04)
BONUS VIDEO (No Gi) November 22-NARRATED Live Sparring Matt & Brennan/Ethan (36:45)
Week 4: Guard Basics (No Gi) November 26-Basic Sumi Gaeshi, Shoulder Crunch (9:59)
Week 4: Guard Basics (Gi) November 28-Convex Posture In Open Guard (5:46)
SEMINAR: Nov 29- (No Gi) Inside Heel Hook Mechanics/Heel Slipping, MTN Jiu Jitsu, Squamish BC
December 2024
BONUS VIDEO (Gi) December 1-Live Sparring Matt & Ethan (2nd Degree Promotion Day) (12:14)
Week 1: Collar-Sleeve Guard (Gi) December 2-Split Sweep from De La Riva, Triangle from Collar-Sleeve (11:27)
BONUS VIDEOS (No Gi) December 3-Countering Saddle Escapes: Inverting to Backside, Woj Lock, Countering Woj Lock Escape (13:00)
Week 1: Collar-Sleeve Guard (Gi) December 5-Omoplata Series From Collar-Sleeve (5:36)
Week 2: Collar-Sleeve Guard (Gi) December 9-Collar Sleeve Details: Different Grip/Foot Positions, Breaking Knee-Elbow Connection (8:10)
BONUS VIDEO (Gi) December 12-Woj Lock Details (2:33)
Week 2: Collar-Sleeve Guard (Gi) December 12-Narrated Drilling Session Matt & Ethan (17:18)
Week 3: Lasso/K-Guard (No Gi) December 17-Woj Lock From K-Guard, Gamifying K-Guard (7:05)
BONUS VIDEO (No Gi) December 18-Disrupting Sprawl Camping with Kuzushi (2:05)
Week 3: Lasso/K-Guard (Gi) December 19-Meregali Sweep, Enter X-Guard/Ashi/Back Take (8:31)
BONUS VIDEO (No Gi) December 20-Gamifying Tripod Passing (4:58)
SEMINAR: Dec 30- (No Gi) The Woj Lock, Tidal BJJ, Gibsons BC
BONUS VIDEO (Gi)-Narrated Drilling Collar-Sleeve Guard (1:38)
Week 4: X-Guard (Gi) October 24-De La Riva Entries to X-Guard, Sweeps From Collar & Pants/Double Pants Grips
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