Example Image with Text
Use this Image with Text block to balance out your text content with a complementary visual to strengthen messaging and help your students connect with your product, course, or coaching. You can introduce yourself with a profile picture and author bio, showcase a student testimonial with their smiling face, or highlight an experience with a screenshot.
Example Text
Use this Text block to tell your course or coaching’s story.
Write anything from one-liners to detailed paragraphs that tell your visitors more about what you’re selling.
This block - along with other blocks that contain text content - supports various text formatting such as header sizes, font styles, alignment, ordered and unordered lists, hyperlinks and colors.

Example Title
Use this block to showcase testimonials, features, categories, or more. Each column has its own individual text field. You can also leave the text blank to have it display nothing and just showcase an image.

Example Title
Use this block to showcase testimonials, features, categories, or more. Each column has its own individual text field. You can also leave the text blank to have it display nothing and just showcase an image.

Example Title
Use this block to showcase testimonials, features, categories, or more. Each column has its own individual text field. You can also leave the text blank to have it display nothing and just showcase an image.
Example Curriculum
- (No Gi) Jan 5-How to do the "Scissor Wedge" back take (4:54)
- (Gi) Jan 8-Super Stack Pass (5:48)
- (No Gi) Jan 9- Seated Guard vs Kneeling Opponent: Body Lock Pass Details (8:47)
- (Gi) Jan 11-Lovato Jr Headquarters Passing (10:18)
- (No Gi) Bonus Video-Easy & Effective Kimura Control Escape (2:03)
- (No Gi) Jan 16-Pinch Headlock Series From Butterfly Guard (6:40)
- (No Gi) Jan 19-Truck Attacks & Wedge Mechanics In Depth (10:15)
- (Gi) Jan 22-Stack Pass: Addressing Butterfly Hook Defense (Spider Guard) (6:09)
- (No Gi) Jan 23-Victor Roll, Sumi Gaeshi Defense To Single Leg, Knee Bar From Coyote Half Guard (Hiza Gatame) (14:20)
- (Gi) Jan 25-Introduction To Berimbolo, Basic Knockdowns from De La Riva (20:20)
- (Gi) Jan 29-Leg Scissor Berimbolo Variation, Countering The Berimbolo (11:11)
- (No Gi) Jan 30-Building Your No Gi Crab Ride Game (5:10)
- (Gi) Feb 1-Kiss Of The Dragon To Crab Ride, Gamifying The Crab Ride Position (8:39)
- (No Gi) Feb 2-Intro To Donkey Guard (10:34)
- BONUS VIDEO-Simple Guard Passing Concept (No Gi) (4:10)
- (No Gi) Feb 20-Loose Passing: Toreandos (12:01)
- (Gi) Feb 22-De La Riva to Leg Drag: The Corolla (5:17)
- (No Gi) Feb 23-"Legmura" Grip from Saddle, Heelhook Kneebar Dilemma (6:22)
- (Gi) Feb 26-Flying Leg Drag, Crab Ride Dilemma (9:44)
- (No Gi) Feb 27-Debunking Donkey Guard, Entering The Crucifix & The "High Ground" Position (13:54)
- (Gi) Feb 29-Berimbolo Mechanics In Depth, Facebolo (7:49)
- (No Gi) Mar 5-Back Maintenance, Palm to Palm/Mandible Strangle Mechanics (9:49)
- (Gi) Mar 7-De La Riva Guard-->X Guard-->Crab Ride-->Back Take (5:00)
- (No Gi) Mar 8-Inversions From Everywhere Into Inside Heelhooks, Using Shoelace Ashi To Create Heel Exposure (9:29)
- (Gi) Mar 11-"Broomstick" Standing Back Take (From Rear Body Lock) (4:27)
- (No Gi) Mar 12-Seated Kata Gatame, Back Take (4:35)
- (No Gi) Mar 15-Modified Bolt Cutter (Matlock) (4:01)
- (No Gi) Mar 17-Exposing Underhooks For The Body Lock Pass (5:17)
- (Gi) Mar 18-Rear Ankle Pick To Back Take (3:14)
- (No Gi) Mar 19-Intro To Crucifix From Turtle Position (8:06)
- (No Gi) Mar 22-Using The K Guard To Attack Upper & Lower Body (8:25)
- (Gi) Mar 28-Armbar and Triangles From The Back (Kimura Control) (8:09)
- (No Gi) Mar 29-Front Headocks: Cradle To Back Take, Front Kata Gatame "Farmerconda" (5:28)
- (No Gi) Mar 31-Single Leg To Rear Body Lock (2:03)
- (No Gi) BONUS VIDEO-How To Win Truck/Wedge Battles (7:19)
- Week 1: Guard Passing (No Gi) April 2-Tripod Passing, Leandro Lo Knee Cut Pass (11:41)
- Week 1: Guard Passing (Gi) April 4-Gamifying Engagement Battles, The Split Squat, Getting Chest to Chest (12:13)
- Week 1: Guard Passing (No Gi) April 5-Saddle Switch To Shoelace Ashi Garami (3:53)
- Week 2: Side Control (Gi) April 8-Intro to Uppercuff Control, Clock Choke (6:49)
- Week 2: Side Control (No Gi) April 9-Maintaining Side Control, Winning Battles For Inside Position (8:53)
- Week 2: Side Control (Gi) April 11-Uppercuff Submissions From Side Control (9:27)
- Week 3: Mount (Gi) April 15-Ezekiel Strangle From Mount (4:31)
- Week 3: Mount (No Gi) April 16-Kipping Escape In Depth (7:16)
- Week 3: Mount (Gi) April 18-"Arm In" Ezekiel From Mount, Ezekiel Dilemma From Side Control To Mount (4:11)
- Week 3: Mount (No Gi) April 19-The Perfect Head & Arm Strangle (Kata Gatame) From Mount (6:44)
- Week 4: Back Attacks (Gi) April 22-The Rear Ezekiel Strangle (4:12)
- Week 4: Back Attacks (No Gi) April 23-The Rear Head & Arm Strangle (Kata Gatame) (5:59)
- Week 4: Back Attacks (Gi) April 25-Punch Knuckle Strangle (3:36)
- Week 4: Back Attacks (No Gi) April 26-Ushiro Sankaku From Bottom Cross Back (6:20)
- Week 1: Closed Guard (No Gi) May 1-Double Underhook Attacks (3:39)
- BONUS VIDEO (No Gi)-Knocking Down A Standing Opponent From Outside Ashi Garami (1:18)
- Week 1: Closed Guard (Gi) May 2-Attacks From The Clamp Position (5:23)
- Week 1: Closed Guard (No Gi) May 3-Ude Gatame (Inverted Armbar) (3:49)
- Week 2: Submission Escapes (Gi) May 13-Classic Armbar Escapes (9:24)
- Week 2: Submission Escapes (No Gi) May 14-Arm-In Guillotine Escapes (9:00)
- Week 2: Submission Escapes (Gi) May 16-3/4 Juji Armbar Escape (6:33)
- Week 2: Submission Escapes (No Gi) May 17-Closed Guard Guillotine Defense (6:17)
- Week 3: Submission Escapes (No Gi) May 21-Trap Triangle Escapes (5:44)
- Week 3: Submission Escapes (Gi) May 23-Addressing Kimura From Bottom Half Guard (5:29)
- Week 4: Wrestling Up (Gi) May 27-Half Guard Tight Waist Series
- Week 4: Wrestling Up (No Gi) May 28-Wrestling Up From Open Guards (5:27)
- Week 4: Wrestling Up (No Gi) May 31-Ude Gaeshi (Arm Throw), Creating Pressure From Seated Guard vs Standing Opponent (7:29)
- Week 1: Sit-Up Guards (Gi) June 3-How To Play Sit-Up Guard (6:30)
- Week 1: Sit-Up Guards (No Gi) June 4-No Gi Sit-Up Guard (9:10)
- Week 1: Sit-Up Guards (Gi) June 6-Cross Collar Drag & Ankle Pick Dilemma (7:05)
- Week 1: Sit-Up Guards (No Gi) June 7-Outside Ashi Knock Down & Ankle Lock (5:10)
- Week 2: Leglocks (Gi) June 10-Reverse Ashi Garami, Kneebar Toehold Dilemma (6:15)
- Week 2: Leglocks (No Gi) June 11-Countering The "Honey Stick" From Saddle, Finishing Mechanics Drill (6:40)
- Bonus Video-Prime BJJ Series 2024 Black Belt Absolute No Gi Match Breakdown (Ankle Lock) (7:19)
- Week 2: Leglocks (Gi) June 13-Kneebar (Dogbar) From Bottom/Top Half Guard (5:08)
- Week 2: Leglocks (No Gi) June 14-Surviving The Top Side Saddle Position, Countering The Rolling Heelhook (5:11)
- Week 3: Closed Guard (Gi) June 17-Attacking Armbars From Cross Chest Position (4:51)
- Week 3: Closed Guard (No Gi) June 18-Top Lock vs Standing Opponent, Preventing Knee Wedge Escape (6:04)
- Week 3: Closed Guard (Gi) June 20-Taking The Back & Flower Sweep Dilemma (3:51)
- Week 3: Closed Guard (No Gi) June 21-Handfighting, Pinch Headlock Series (8:36)
- Week 4: Closed Guard (Gi) June 24-Handfighting Games, Pinch Headlock Knee Lever Sweep (8:10)
- Week 4: Closed Guard (No Gi) June 25-Arm Drag Misdirection, Back Take & Flower Sweep Dilemma (4:40)
- Week 4: Closed Guard (Gi) June 27-Drop Pass, Clamp Overhook Cross Choke & Te Gatame (7:20)
- Week 4: Closed Guard (No Gi) June 28-Shoulder Crunch to Triangle, Hantai Sankaku Details (4:45)
- Week 1: Heisting Up (Gi) July 1-Cross Collar Overview Seated vs Standing Opponent (7:13)
- Week 1: Heisting Up (No Gi) July 2-Top Player Stance, Overview Seated vs Standing Opponent (7:14)
- Week 1: Heisting Up (No Gi) July 5-Heisting vs Kneeling Opponent (3:57)
- Week 2: Heisting Up (No Gi) July 9-Heisting vs Body Lock Passing: Yoko Sumi Gaeshi (6:11)
- Week 2: Heisting Up (Gi) July 11-Heisting Options vs Keeling Opponent (3:56)
- BONUS VIDEO (No Gi): Spinning Baratoplata (1:04)
- BONUS VIDEO (No Gi): Gyaku Sankaku (1:29)
- Week 3: Scaling Tasks-What Is Scaling? (1:07)
- Week 3: Scaling Tasks (No Gi) July 16-Games from the Back, Tripod Pass, Armbar (13:54)
- Week 3: Scaling Tasks (No Gi) July 19-KID'S ADCC PREP CLASS: Mount, Truck, Body Lock (12:13)
- Week 3: Scaling Tasks (No Gi) July 19-Cross Ashi Garami Games (2:18)
- Week 4: Scaling Tasks (Gi) July 22-Submission Games: Armbar & Omoplata (7:36)
- Week 4: Scaling Tasks (No Gi) July 23-Ouchi Gari/Uchi Mata Dilemma, Saddle Strategy: Double Trouble w/ Secondary Leg On Top (5:49)
- Week 4: Scaling Tasks (No Gi) July 24-Leg Pummeling Games: Tripod, Butterfly Half Guard, & Body Lock (10:02)
- BONUS VIDEO (No Gi) July 24-Live Sparring Matt & Ethan (19:06)
- BONUS VIDEO (No Gi) July 29-Positional Sparring Matt & Adam Posener: Back, Front Headlock, Armbar, (20:31)
- Week 1: Positional Games (No Gi) July 30-Half Guard Passing & Armlocks (8:11)
- Week 1: Positional Games (No Gi) July 31-Reverse Guard Basics, Trilemma from R Guard (7:51)
- Week 1: Positional Games (No Gi) August 2-R Guard and Half Guard Sit Out vs. Octopus (6:48)
- Week 2: Octopus Guard (No Gi) August 6-Intro to Octopus Guard, Octopus Buggy (11:21)
- Week 2: Octopus Guard (Gi) August 8-Scaling Half Guard Games (3:02)
- Week 2: Octopus Guard (No Gi) August 9-Scaling Body Lock Games, Octopus Buggy Review & Game (11:45)
- BONUS VIDEO (No Gi) August 9-NARRATED Live Sparring Sukhman & Ethan (22:20)
- Week 3: The Woj Lock (No Gi) August 20-Mechanics of the Woj Lock (4:01)
- BONUS VIDEO (Gi) August 22-4 Rounds of NARRATED Live Sparring (30:27)
- Week 3: The Woj Lock (Gi) August 23-Improved Woj Lock Mechanics (3:14)
- Week 4: Scrimmage Wrestling (No Gi) August 27-Re-shots, Short Offense Arm Drag to Go Behind (9:06)
- Week 1: Scrimmage Wrestling (No Gi) September 3-Rolling Saddle Entry & Heel Hook vs Rear Body Lock (4:55)
- BONUS VIDEO (No Gi)-Inverted Aioki Lock from Y-Guard (3:56)
- Week 2: Scrimmage Wrestling (Gi) September 9-The Easiest Foot Sweep to Learn, Trainwreck Seoi Nage (9:38)
- BONUS VIDEO (No Gi) September 10-NARRATED Live Sparring Matt & Sukhman (18:53)
- Week 2: Scrimmage Wrestling (Gi) September 12-Cross Pant Cuff Passing, 5050 Ankle Lock (9:03)
- Week 2: Scrimmage Wrestling (No Gi) September 13-Easy Snap Downs to Short Offense Using Foot Sweeps (4:40)
- Week 3: Scrimmage Wrestling (No Gi) September 17-Underhook Throw By to Rear Body Lock, Rear Body Lock Defense (4:24)
- Week 3: Scrimmage Wrestling (Gi) September 19-Easy Takedown: Collar Grip Ankle Pick (3:24)
- Week 4: Butterfly Half Guard (Gi) September 23-Passing Butterfly Half Guard, Entering Ashi/X Guard & Sweeping (12:01)
- Week 4: Butterfly Half Guard (No Gi) September 24-Arm Drags From Butterfly Half Guard, Overhead Sweep (8:14)
- BONUS VIDEO (No Gi) September 24-Arm Drag to Shoulder Crunch from Butterfly Half Gaurd (2:35)
- Week 4: Butterfly Half Guard (Gi) September 26-Knee Cut Pass Fundamentals, Half Guard Recovery to Sumi Gaeshi/Shoulder Crunch Dilemma (12:39)
- Week 4: Butterfly Half Guard (No Gi) September 27-Low R Guard Entries To Leg Attacks (11:08)
- Week 1: Short Offense (No Gi) October 1-Cow Catcher Turnover/Strangle Mechanics, 2 Ways to Enter the Cow Catcher (7:41)
- BONUS VIDEO (No Gi) October 1-Turtle Escape Drill vs Locked Hands (Seatbelt & Body lock) (3:00)
- Week 1: Short Offense (Gi) October 3-Low Lapel Strangle (Lapel Peruvian Necktie) (2:34)
- Week 1: Short Offense (No Gi) October 4-Cow Catcher Roll-Through, Yoko Sumi Gaeshi & Ouchi Gari vs 4 Point (8:23)
- Week 2: The Waiter Position (No Gi) October 8-Basic Waiter Sweep from Deep Half Guard, Ashi Garami Transitions (13:05)
- Week 2: The Waiter Position (Gi) October 10-Under Hook De La Riva to Waiter Options (6:50)
- Week 3: Taking The Back (No Gi) October 15-Throw-By to Rear Body Lock, Wrist Ride to the Back (4:05)
- Week 3: Taking The Back (Gi) October 17-Drills For Taking The Back (9:28)
- Week 4: X-Guard (Gi) October 21-Gripping Warm-Up from Standing, X-Guard Sweep Options (12:21)
- BONUS VIDEO (No Gi) October 18-NARRATED Live Sparring Kaelen & Harrison (13:19)
- BONUS VIDEO (No Gi) October 23-Sprawl Passing Options vs Knee Shield (4:36)
- BONUS VIDEO (No Gi) October 23-Rear Body Lock Grip Switch (0:45)
- Week 4: X-Guard (Gi) October 24-De La Riva Entries to X-Guard, Sweeps From Collar & Pants/Double Pants Grips (8:15)
- Week 4: X-Guard (Gi) October 28-Backside X-Guard to Crab Ride & Leg Drag (6:31)
- Week 4: X-Guard (No Gi) October 29-Attacking Opponent w/ 1 Knee Down (3:42)
- BONUS VIDEO (No Gi) October 29-Kneebar Entry From Top Position (1:20)
- Week 4: X-Guard (Gi) October 30-Increase X-Guard Sweep Percentage: The Punch Grip (1:46)
- BONUS VIDEO (No Gi) October 31-Finish More Foot Locks: Transferring Your Weight (1:10)
- Week 1: X-Guard (No Gi) November 5-Back Take Options From X/Waiter Guard (4:24)
- Week 1: X-Guard (No Gi) November 6-Tips to Improve Your X-Guard (3:10)
- Week 1: X-Guard (Gi) November 7-Triangle From X-Guard (3:37)
- BONUS VIDEO (No Gi) November 8-Low Single Wrestle-Up (3:19)
- BONUS VIDEO (No Gi) November 8-5050 Heel Hook Digging Mechanics (1:48)
- Week 2: Passing The Knee Shield (No Gi) November 12-Sprawl Camp & Smash Dilemma (7:00)
- Week 2: Passing The Knee Shield (No Gi) November 13-The "Rau Drag" (6:49)
- Week 2: Passing The Knee Shield (Gi) November 14-Leg Trap to Leg Drag (7:28)
- Week 3: Passing The Knee Shield (No Gi) November 19-Sprawl Camp Review, Over Back Options vs Low Knee Shield (15:19)
- Week 3: Passing The Knee Shield (Gi) November 21-Leg Trap Passing Options: Leg Drag, Long Step, Over-Under, Stack Pass (8:18)
- Week 3: Passing The Knee Shield (No Gi) November 22-Defending vs Sprawl Camp Passing (6:13)
- Week 3: Passing The Knee Shield (No Gi) November 23-Loose Passing: High-Step, Torreando, Hip-Knee Post (6:21)
- BONUS VIDEO (No Gi) November 23-Self-Framing The Supine Guard (6:04)
- BONUS VIDEO (No Gi) November 22-NARRATED Live Sparring Matt & Brennan/Ethan (36:45)
- Week 4: Guard Basics (No Gi) November 26-Basic Sumi Gaeshi, Shoulder Crunch (9:59)
- Week 4: Guard Basics (Gi) November 28-Convex Posture In Open Guard (5:46)
- SEMINAR: Nov 29- (No Gi) Inside Heel Hook Mechanics/Heel Slipping, MTN Jiu Jitsu, Squamish BC
- BONUS VIDEO (Gi) December 1-Live Sparring Matt & Ethan (2nd Degree Promotion Day) (12:14)
- Week 1: Collar-Sleeve Guard (Gi) December 2-Split Sweep from De La Riva, Triangle from Collar-Sleeve (11:27)
- BONUS VIDEOS (No Gi) December 3-Countering Saddle Escapes: Inverting to Backside, Woj Lock, Countering Woj Lock Escape (13:00)
- Week 1: Collar-Sleeve Guard (Gi) December 5-Omoplata Series From Collar-Sleeve (5:36)
- Week 2: Collar-Sleeve Guard (Gi) December 9-Collar Sleeve Details: Different Grip/Foot Positions, Breaking Knee-Elbow Connection (8:10)
- BONUS VIDEO (Gi) December 12-Woj Lock Details (2:33)
- Week 2: Collar-Sleeve Guard (Gi) December 12-Narrated Drilling Session Matt & Ethan (17:18)
- Week 3: Lasso/K-Guard (No Gi) December 17-Woj Lock From K-Guard, Gamifying K-Guard (7:05)
- BONUS VIDEO (No Gi) December 18-Disrupting Sprawl Camping with Kuzushi (2:05)
- Week 3: Lasso/K-Guard (Gi) December 19-Meregali Sweep, Enter X-Guard/Ashi/Back Take (8:31)
- BONUS VIDEO (No Gi) December 20-Gamifying Tripod Passing (4:58)
- SEMINAR: Dec 30- (No Gi) The Woj Lock, Tidal BJJ, Gibsons BC
- BONUS VIDEO (Gi)-Narrated Drilling Collar-Sleeve Guard (1:38)
Example Image with Text
Use this Image with Text block to balance out your text content with a complementary visual to strengthen messaging and help your students connect with your product, course, or coaching. You can introduce yourself with a profile picture and author bio, showcase a student testimonial with their smiling face, or highlight an experience with a screenshot.

Example Featured Products
Showcase other available courses, bundles, and coaching products you’re selling with the Featured Products block to provide alternatives to visitors who may not be interested in this specific product.